Venue: California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim clear filter
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Friday, March 28

7:00pm PDT

Dice Throne—Learn to play demonstrations California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Steel Rift—Fast and fun learn to play demonstrations California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Vampires, Humans & Werewolves—Demonstrations and learn to play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition Adventurer's League California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim HeroClix PULP Format Tournament—Entry fee $0 free California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Constructed Free Tournament California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition Adventurer's League California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Magic: The Gathering Double Promo Draft Night California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Grand Archive Convention League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Lorcana Convention League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Magic: The Gathering Commander League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Magic: The Gathering Convention League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim One Piece TCG Convention League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Pathfinder: Upon Wheels and Rime (levels 1 to 4)—A Pathfinder 2nd edition remastered adventure. A symposium goes off the rails when goblins attack. You'll need to catch the goblins to ensure the meeting's suc... California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Pokemon Battle League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Star Wars Unlimited Convention League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel League All Day Play California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim

7:30pm PDT

8:00pm PDT

8:30pm PDT

9:00pm PDT

9:30pm PDT

10:00pm PDT

11:00pm PDT


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Filtered by Venue (California Ballroom CD, Hilton Anaheim) - 
  • 1: Programs
  • 2: Anime
  • 3: Children's Films
  • 4: Games
  • 5: Portfolio Review
  • 6: Autographs
  • D: d4 Tabletop Creative Conference
  • N: New
  • U: Updated